Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fajita Special

Sometimes the best dinners are the ones where you end up using odds and ends from the fridge and the cupboard. There's a sense of satisfaction to be had realizing that the can of beans sitting on the shelf from over six months ago has finally been put to use! Or the clamshell of tomatoes--some of which have been slowly withering away--can be finished off before the expiration date. It's a struggle against time, making sure that all the food you once so industriously purchased, thinking it was best to "stock up and save," is put to use before it goes bad.

And now, for a brief photo tour of my fajita special:

Flour Tortillas


Chicken with garlic and jalapenos


(Not pictured here)


Fresh, homemade salsa


Grated cheddar


Fajita Special


Stephanie said...

Do you find that you have to keep your tortillas in the fridge? Mine keep going bad in what seems like a very short period of time. Is my cupboard damp, or is that just the nature of the tortilla?

Jessica said...

I normally keep my tortillas in the freezer (transfer to a ziploc and then I place a piece of wax paper between each tortilla to keep them from sticking together), but the fridge works too. Generally, all bread goes moldy within a few days, depending on humidity in your kitchen, so to best extend it's "shelf life," I highly recommend the freezer! you can reheat, defrost and it will taste almost just like new.