Thursday, September 11, 2008

a tribute to friendship

And now I digress! Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing a long gone friend, Ms. Tiffany Bartz, and her partner in doing crazy things (not crime, exactly), Shane Bussmann. One Brandi Howell accompanied me on the journey, where we encountered the full Bussmann/Bartz and extended family clan (i.e. Nelson) and enjoyed a day of heat, Mexican food, libraries, and Old Maid! It was a really great day. In honor of that, I would like to share the photos of friendship!
Have a great weekend.

The Bartz-Nelson's:

Grin and Bare It: A Tale of 20-somethings post-orthodonture:

An Elf on the Loose:


jeroen said...

Hi Jessica,

Can you give us the receipt of vegetarian pasta?


Tiffany said...

shane wonders why he doesn't get his own picture. i like the reference to the bartz-nelson's. very incongruous!

Tiffany said...

c'mon jess! post something new!